South Australia's Lake Eyre in flood 2018: Photos

Floodwater from north Queensland has transformed Australia's Lake Eyre into a spectacular and colourful natural wonder for local and tourists.

The natural occurrence is rare - the lake sees water every three to 10 years and completely floods just three times every 160 years.

This year's waters have arrived late in the season as rains two months ago in Queensland have slowly made their way down to the lake. 

When the lake floods, it turns blue and white, and draws in an abundance of waterbirds, including pelicans and swans, as well as fish. Wildflowers also colour the landscape as water arrives.

At low water capacity, the lake turns pink because of salt diluting into the water and the presence of a pink algae. 

Take a look at the colourful Lake Eyre in flood in the gallery above.

See also: 10 of Australia's most spectacular natural wonders are all in our smallest state

See also: 11 things Australians get wrong about Australia
