Flight of Fancy podcast: Why now is the perfect time to explore Australia

I have a theory about travel in Australia and my theory is this: 2022 is perfect. This is the time. Now is when you need to go.

See, the last few years have been kind of a nightmare for travellers – obviously if you wanted to go overseas, but also if you planned to sightsee in your home country. State borders have been closed. Things have been changing at the drop of a hat. Holiday plans have been ruined. Money has been lost.

This year though, in 2022, all of that seems as if it's behind us. Excepting WA for a second, Australia is now united in its fight against COVID-19, with state borders open and very much likely to stay that way. So this year, you can book with confidence. You can actually go places. It will happen. Plus, you can support local businesses hit hard by the lack of international visitors.

On this episode of Flight of Fancy I'm joined by fellow writers Sue Williams and Rob McFarland to talk about holidaying in Australia in 2022: why you should do it, and where you should do it. We're hitting you with about 40 minutes of solid inspiration. If you think you've already seen this country, if you think there's nothing left to surprise or delight you, think again.

This Flight of Fancy episode is hosted and produced by Ben Groundwater and mixed by Tim Mummery.

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