Flight of Fancy Podcast: What really happens on a European bus tour

For so many young travellers, a bus tour of Europe is a rite of passage, a formative escapade in which sights are seen, friends are made, and innocence is lost. But what happens behind the scenes on those tours? What are these trips really like?

On this episode of Flight of Fancy I'm taking you behind the scenes to find out. I'm joined by a host of tour guides from those European bus tours – you know, the ones pretty much every traveller has been on at some point in their lives, the boozy bus tours, the makers and breakers of a million relationships, the tours where you rattle around the continent, 15 countries in like four days or something, you glance at the Eiffel Tower, you throw up in the Louvre, and you have the absolute time of your life – to talk about how the sausage gets made.

What really goes on on these things? Are they… what you think they are? Listen below to find out.

This Flight of Fancy episode is hosted and produced by Ben Groundwater and mixed by Tim Mummery.

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