Flight of Fancy podcast: How to improve your travel photography

If you're anything like me, you probably don't understand why your travel photos suck so much. And I mean this in the nicest possible way too, because I share your pain. I mean, I go to all the same places those great photographers go. I see the same sights. I snap the same snaps. And yet… They just don't look as good.

So, what gives? What's the reason? And how do I get my travel photos looking more like theirs?

Well, today we are going to find out. Today, while the travel world is in something of a hiatus, we're going to concentrate on some handy up-skilling. We're going to take your photography game, and we're going to elevate it. With just a few simple tips and maybe an upgrade or two, you – and hopefully me too – can hit the next level.

This episode of Flight of Fancy features professional photographers Jarryd Salem and Lisa Michele Burns to talk about one of the few things that probably every single traveller does, and yet we all do so differently: photography. How do you take better photos when you're on the road? How do you make your Instagram feed sing? How do you capture all of those incredible destinations that you visit and those amazing experiences that you have in the form of beautiful, wall-worthy images?

This Flight of Fancy episode is hosted and produced by Ben Groundwater and mixed by Tim Mummery.

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